Standard Support Hours

Posted over 5 years ago by Kyle Goebel

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Kyle Goebel
Kyle Goebel Admin

Numecent provides support services between the hours of 8am to 6pm Pacific Time from Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Please see our Announcements forum for the latest copy of the Numecent Holiday Schedule. Issues can be submitted online at or an email can be sent to, and all communication must be in English only. Self-service help is also available 24/7 by accessing our online solutions knowledgebase.

Severity Levels

Each issue is given a severity level. Customers can set the severity initially when submitting a ticket through the support portal, but this may be changed by our support staff based on the criteria below. If an acceptable explanation or work-around is given, then the severity will be lowered.

URGENT - An Urgent priority issue is a reproducible emergency condition which renders the software or residing system inoperable. The condition, such as data loss or corruption, requires an immediate solution that is not already available.

HIGH - A High priority issue is a reproducible condition which makes the use or continued use of any function difficult and/or causes serious limitations to the use of the software.

MEDIUM - A Medium priority issue is a reproducible limited problem condition which is not critical in that no loss of data occurs and which can circumvent or avoided on a temporary basis.

LOW - A Low priority issue is a minor problem condition, cosmetic issue or documentation error which can be easily circumvented or avoided.

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